When the heat outside turns your sweat surrounding the genital region into a soupy, yet creamy mixture.
My girlfriend was hungry after laying on the beach for several hours, so I offered her my dick bisque.
by Miriam Websta August 23, 2015
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A definition of very extreme pink sun burn.

So when your burnt it's lobster bisque !!!
"Dude look at your sun burn .. that's some serious lobster bisque"
by thetruebro June 23, 2014
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a diarrhea shit that has the consistency of a bisque
Dude, I should not have eaten that last night. I woke up this morning and made some shit bisque.
by Kyle Style October 29, 2007
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Similar to Ball Soup, but this pooling of sweat resides much closer to the aft of the gooch and the anus. Said bisque can provide extreme discomfort and the occasional skid mark.
I swear to little, tiny baby Jesus, this anal bisque I'm sitting is going to kill me.
by Shinigami71 December 10, 2009
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The horrible stew-like concoction that results when a woman defecates, urinates, and menstruates into one toilet bowl.
Sorry, guys. Becky had to stay home tonight because the plunger couldn't handle The Devil's Bisque and now she's waiting on the plumber.
by The Earl of Teabag August 24, 2010
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a potent, soup-like concoction emanated from betwixt the loins of a female during a moment of high arousal.
I sipped her whisker bisque like champaign from a flute.
by female ejaculate August 15, 2008
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When 3 men, and not less than 3, gather to immerse their battered bodies amidst bubbles and booze in a tub of heat exceeding 101 degrees Fahrenheit.
Dude1: Hey Trucker! Man-bisque tonight?

Trucker: I’ll get the beer!!
by trAVcrew February 28, 2018
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