A Kurdish male name. It means stormy/bad weather with rain. Baran's usually very funny, cute and caring also very good looking.
Dude 1: "Hey Baran how is it going?"

Baran: "Nothing much, how are you?"
by Bd0g January 30, 2022
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strong like ram, and kick you in the nuts
Im just a baran so im cool. I like bears
by Jebber April 30, 2008
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Baran is a type of girl to left you undelivered. She love you but don't care about you like she said. She loves girls more than boys and sometimes have a crush on them. There is a girl who had a crush on her but she was disappointed because Baran didn't give a fuck.
Girl1:I kinda like Baran.

Boy1:Same here she is so good.

Girl 2:I want to be like Baran everyone loves her.
by Asthetic girl October 18, 2020
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1 v. to invite oneself unwanted into a conversation, generally to the detriment of anyone in earshot.
boyfriend: "Hunny, i love the way you walk"
girlfriend: "Your shirt brings out your wonderfully hazel eyes"
Baran (hiding in bushes, masturbating): "WHAT ABOUT MY EYES"
boyfriend: "What a fucking Baran"

by Baran h8er July 31, 2006
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Also known as a 'Bazza' or 'Baren'. When a person 'jims in' and makes themself feel included to the distain of everyone. !
Girls: Omg John, can you take a picture of us?
John: Sure thin....
Baran (5km away about 2 seconds ago): I CAN DO IT. Im gifted with photography, all my friends, everyone says so!
Girls + John: Jim out you fucking Bazza!
Baran: Hai-gai
by omfgroflmao August 6, 2006
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from polish language-male sheep.A retard by choice, looser,a dude who'll do anything to hang with the crew...the type of guy who'll put icy hot on his balls for no reason...
by Bitch w/ an attitude July 23, 2008
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