This could mean one or all of several things:

1. The Brand
2. A big fish in a small pond (this is debatable, there are some who would question that he is even a fish)
3. Posessor of a field of one trick ponies

You should also be aware that he has a certain type of charisma, he is definately alive and that everything he touches turns to sold.
Stuart Baggs: I’m not a one-trick pony, I’m not a 10-trick pony, I’m a whole field of ponies – waiting to literally run towards this.

^man speaks the truth... or total bullshit - yeah, that's the one.
by can'treallytalk January 16, 2011
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A grumpy old man who always wants his wife to cook for him, bullies a poor dog named courage, and always says "Yayuwaaaank".
"Stupid dog. You made me look bad"Said by Eustace Bagge
by Joeyqueen sartorius July 11, 2017
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Golf term (also nickname for those that perform the act) When your on a par 5 and reach the green 2 and announce to the rest of the group, that if you don’t at least birdie the hole you should get punched in the face….then proceed to 3 putt and miss the birdie…..subsequently then being punched in the face by the guy in the group with the biggest hands.
Damn!! You guys see when Tony got punched in the face for that T-Bagg.
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a fancy smancy way of saying doche bag, when one wishes to be formal but still express that a person is bein an absolute dick, asshole, vagina, anus face, pussy, but licker, tool and all round fuck.
Person 1: Hey! You see the kid playing ping pong over there?
Person 2: Yeah. The one with greasy hair.
Person 1: He came over the other day. He's a complete dossé bagg.
Person 2: What? You mean like Marc?
Person 1: No. Like a complete DOSSE BAGG!
by Baron Von Sexy Pants Man October 13, 2011
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Ever been out to the bar and see "that girl" but you don't know exactly what to call her?

Or how about when the biggest douchebag person in your group of party peeps for the night happens to be female?

Deriving from the abbreviated word for douchbag (D-bag), Fe-baggs generally emerge in the form of socially inept, overly/underly dressed, fake, pretenious, ugly, lame, obnoxious and rude women.

As an FYI- The correct spelling involves a superfluous "g" at the end of "bag". This symbolizes the general awesomeness and uniqueness endemic to a true Fe-bagg.
"OMG Carley, that girl is such f-ing Fe-bagg."

"That Fe-bagg is a Debbie Downer, let's ditch her at the next bar."

"Don't talk to that Fe-bagg, she is a Hot Ass Mess...She's stumbling all over the place!"

"Could she be wearing anymore jewelry? Yeah that's a pretty Fe-bagg move."

"Look...over there...That Fe-bagg is sporting a pro-popped collar!"

"That's a pretty Fe-baggy move..."

"Fe-bagging commences at the Cedar Hotel at 5:30pm"
by Fe-bagg #1 September 10, 2009
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Short for Sagrofiven Money Baggs, Esquire. The alter ego of someone who imagines get rich quick schemes and whose full name means Minister Mother****ing Cash Sacks. Henchmen of Twitch in Twitchs Crew.
Oh Sh** its Saggs;
Saggin Baggs?
Im Talkin about the Sagrofiven Money baggs, Muh Fa**o!!!
by Saggs February 4, 2008
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When you stick your cock on some other dudes bag.
"yo man, did you say that dude on TSN last night, he was totally doing a C-baggs with his cock"
by Ivonna Suckadick July 8, 2009
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