Anaye is an easy person to get along with, has great music taste and loves to have fun. She is a bit of a rebel and loves to laugh. She is often mistaken for a 'bitch' or 'slut'. She has a good sense of humor and cares for everyone around her. Anaye is also a very beautiful girl but has low self esteem issues after having a tough life.
Ryan: "She is so pretty, who's that?"
Tyler: "That's Anaye!"
by lovemeplsss November 5, 2013
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A girl that is gorgeous, sweet and kind. She is very ghetto. She he's in fights often and cusses a lot. She may be sweet but don't let her fool you she has a mean side. She is one of the biggest hoes even at a young age. She probably lost her virginity at an early age. Anayeli is a great friend until she meets better people. But while your friends with her she is very nice and is soft spoken. She is a follower most of the time.
Diego: that girl Anayeli was flirting with me.
Sebastian: oh yeah the hoe
Diego: she isn't just a how she's really sweet.
Alejandro: yeah but she turned on my girl Giselle
by Giselle Anayeli Gomez May 6, 2016
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An Anaye is a person that always calls the other person lazy ass constantly

Me: you are a lazy ass

You: Omg you are an Anaye arent you?
by Purple heart xox October 21, 2019
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