Amey is usually a spontaneous. They are often extremely intelligent and creative bright young people. He get easily excited. They will find a solution in any problem. He will put his comment forward if you like it or not. Amey is always optimistic with life, and stubbornly determined to succeed like a warrior at whatever he attempts. You will get more attached to him every day.

Lie to them once and your connection with Amey is gone.
Amey's are know to party hard
Absolute loyalty.. That's Amey!
by CronicleUSA November 23, 2021
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Amey means the elephant god Ganesh, so it is quite obvious that he is an elephant. Amey loves to make others laugh, will always try to cheer you up, and secretly eat all your food the fat fuck. Be nice to your Amey, don't be a bitch to your Amey. If you are a bitch to your Amey, you're fucked.
Hey, who is that awesome guy? That's Amey
by howimetyourdaddyXOXO November 22, 2021
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Ben amey can't finish his zoot he's no stoner

And can't roll
by Mg04 January 31, 2022
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People who are really judgy, sexy and pretty. They try to learn as hard as they can to be someone on their future
Person A) whats your personality?
Person B) Ameis lol *hair flip*
Person A) your such a pretty ameis!
by November 24, 2021
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