Kenneth Alexzander Rivas Jr is an amazing and funny guy who knows how to make people smile. He’s super tall and really athletic. He’s so good at basketball and he always makes every girl he sees gawk and fall for him. Kenneth is the type of guy you want to come to your party to make you feel safe and content. Kenneth is the type of guy who can be vulnerable if he trusts you. Kenneth is a great person, and you would be happy to know him!
Girl: omg have you seen Kenneth Alexzander Rivas Jr today?
Girl 2: omg yes, Kenny looked so cute today while he was playing basketball
by RozuRoxUrWrld May 6, 2023
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Different people coming up with words to describe him:
"Have you heard of Robert Alexzander Vonhoffen?"

"Yeah the guy who's funny, gay, amazing, HOPS, cute and crazy."
by Roz Ryson March 29, 2022
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alexander has a humoungos dick and is the best guy you’ll ever meet so don’t break up with him or lose him.
damn ‘alexzander’ gave me the best pipe lastnight
by alex.1400 August 12, 2022
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a mexican name of a guy who goes to meadobrook middle school in fort worth, hes super bad and is really weird
dont be a alexzander portha hes a bad guy

stop using bad alexzander portha words
by johnothan garza November 4, 2023
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