An adolf rizzler is a guy that has a ton of fizz and he is the king of rizz thats why they call him adolf rizzler
Yo guys look its Adolf Rizzler
by jnop December 6, 2022
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The man who can pull up every woman with black humor within seconds.
This man is also named Amen Hassan.
"Man how he can pull so many baddies?"
"His name is Adolf Rizzler"
by TheRizzOfUs January 21, 2023
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Someone, mostly likely a white woman, who although doesn't isn't bigoted by any means attracts a lot of men who are white supremacists.

This unwanted attraction is most often caused by the woman being: white, Christian, modestly dressed, quiet or assumed to be submissive, and or from a conservative area; leading these men to see she is "trad wife material."

Adolf Rizzler is a pun combining the name of the Fascist German dictator who many white supremacists look up to and the slang word Rizz.
Emily: "I hate that these guys keep trying to date me! Do they think just because I'm a white Christian I hate minorities?"
Jaden: "It's because their heads are stuck in the 50's, they think you'd make a good housewife. I know you're a nice person but from the outside your an Adolf Rizzler."
by March 18, 2023
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A man that has the rizz to attract crowds of people by his speeches
Adolf Rizzler has such powerful speeches that he is able to rizz up the entire german nation
by Littleantukins October 31, 2023
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