the kindest and amazing person ever. Has the biggest heart and is always trying to take care of others even though she has body issues. She is still beautiful and she may not have a lot of friends but she is very weird a sociable and Amaya's love her t bits
Omg Abry is such a Queen
by madlindcat March 28, 2018
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Usually a slang for people grew up in a small place like Outjo or any other town that sound like a cough. Who later in life decides to get more money by selling himself to orphans, or selling ice cream. Sometimes both.
"Dude what happened to Michael?"

"Oh Michael? Yeah, he went all Abrie and I don't know where he is now"
by JamesWest1564 November 21, 2012
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Absolute sex machine. A massive penis. Every lady in relationship or not instantly drops their panties for him.
That guy is there is a Dirty Abrie..

Lost my girl to a Dirty Abrie..
by Charles0179 May 31, 2022
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She is the most amazing girl you will ever meet she has beautiful dark hair and the most gorgeous green eyes and the perfect smile to cheer you up after a bad day she will help you in anyway way she is able to no matter how bad the situation is she is kinda fragile but she holds herself together and can get through anything that gets in her way

Also she says she is a lesbian but she fell for a guy and is the best thing that ever happened to me
#Abrie you need to love your self and get over your insecurities you are perfect
by You are too good for me June 14, 2022
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Abri-ginal. A further way to describe the Abo. In part Abo, in part cunt, thus 'Ginal
Hey man look at those fucking Abri-ginals, total cunts stealing that grog from those kids.
by maxwell-monty October 9, 2023
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The best ship in the world they should be dating like fr fr they should date
Omg safrin x abrie is the best
by Safrin x abrie is the best December 21, 2021
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