(noun) A female: usually the last chick at the bar, party or gathering. The last resort to have sex with. Mostly found with bad to ragged clothing, overweight, acne scars, body oder. But is most likely willing to perform sexual acts with no problem..

Also when drunk you can find the "war pig" acting like they are cool or part of the group...usually buys food for your whole crew.....she'll have no problem getting treated like shit on the regular.

War pigs are great for trying a new sexual move or position on...be care full thogh, they will act stalker-like if you spend too much time with them
i need a blowjob and a sandwich. I better call up that war pig i met the other night. im sure shell do the trick!
by R to the izzo B to the 40 September 30, 2009
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A politican or a group of politicians who revel in the thought of causing a war just for fun.
by Penguin4x4 April 6, 2003
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(noun). A game in which you and your friends try to fuck the ugliest bitch you can find and whoever bags the nastiest bitch wins. (typically played when drunk and/or high)
Ryan: Chris is so fucked up, every time we go out all he wants to do is play warpigs.

Dima: Yeah I know, everynight that ass brings back the nastiest slapper I have ever seen.
by Moses April 8, 2005
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yo i saw him talking to a war pig. man I needed a bucket to look at her face.

by 718sexy March 1, 2009
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A usually fat woman that is always getting fucked. A variety of crew slut
Sally is a real war pig , she went home with Hemo last night.
by Lakenheath February 27, 2006
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(noun) Is a practice girl or guy that is really ugly or just for quick peace
man just war pig that girl man who cares shes not that ugly.
by roui February 29, 2008
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President Obama is a war pig pulled out of Iraq and moved the soldiers into Afghanistan
by warpiggy September 9, 2017
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