The day where life of the earth was born. Otherwise known as Jordan’s birthday. Make sure on this day you give all of your money to this man
“What’s today’s date?” “It’s march 17th we must give our offering to the god of Jordan!”
by March 17th October 16, 2019
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every march 17th is Moth appreciation day 😎👍 go appreciate your friend Moth :)
Person 1: It’s March 17th which is Moth appreciation day
Person 2: oh really let’s go appreciate Moth for being so cool
by Sethisswag March 17, 2021
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National get yo self a hoe day.
Friend goes, "hey its march 17th!"
You goes, "Imma go get a hoe"
Friend "ight bet, look they got sum baddies right there"
by Big_daddy_King November 4, 2022
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National receive booty and titty pic day
A day where someone of your choice has to send you a booty and titty pic
P1: Hey it’s March 17th. You know what that means?
P2: No, what does it mean?
P1: I get a free booty and titty pic from you.
P2: Ugh. Ok fine.
by SirSheeshington January 23, 2021
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The day when the best person was born
Hey imagine being born on March 17th, you would be really cool and sexy then
by Peninsula55 July 4, 2022
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A day to celebrate the Irish and to go out and get smashed with your friends!!

Don’t forgot it’s also Sam’s birthday and that you should wish him a happy birthday
Happy March 17th! Happy birthday Sam.
by the human form of the 100 emoj October 17, 2019
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march 17th is national killuwendy/pupgon day every year during march 17th people must post killua zoldyck x wendy marvel on any social media.we will all celebrate the birth of pupgon knowing that march 17th is when killuwendy was made meaning pupgon was made that day. please refrain from saying anything offensive about killuwendy or pupgons short but wonderful life.
Oh my goodness its march 17th(killuwendy day).
Whats so special about that day?
March 17th is national killuwendy/pupgon day every year during march 17th people must post killua zoldyck x wendy marvel on any social media.we will all celebrate the birth of pupgon knowing that march 17th is when killuwendy was made meaning pupgon was made that day. please refrain from saying anything offensive about killuwendy or pupgons short but wonderful life.
by pupgon October 9, 2022
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