Today is March 14 . You Know Its a Bad Bitch Birthday . So You Gotta Turn Up ALL WEEKEND !
by baaddiieeb March 11, 2020
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If you are born on March 14 you are automatically attractive. You are also a Pisces which means your kind hearted and your good at nearly anything. You will not put up with bs and if you get hurt you will always find a way to get revenge.
“Bro have you heard Sienna’s born on March 14”
Ohhhh we better not mess with her”
by Sienna_Cristosis March 7, 2020
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Day when the men who fucked up Valentine’s Day get a do-over at it.

Also known as April 14, May 14, June 14, July 14, August 14...however many chances they need to get it right
Brad fucked up Valentine’s, so he better use March 14 to make up for it.
by Miss Zoila Right February 15, 2019
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on march 14 between 12am-12am cassandra cooks dylan a hearty steak, while he is eating it she sucks on his hoss.
by jesus144556 March 4, 2012
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Hang out with your gf/bf/crush or best friend
It’s March 14th I have to hang out with my gf/bf/crush or best friend
by Mlcg1 March 12, 2022
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mmmm the baddest bitch was born on this day ngl😏 opppp she kinda thick too ZAMMMMM
omg she born on march 14 🤭HUHHHH

nobody gives a fuck
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