Noun 1. Used a subtle way to ask for 3.5 grams of substance.
Hey man can I swing by and pick up an 8th grader later?
by Kieran Rousch January 13, 2006
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a student at the tip of elementary, usually USUALLY highschool-ers get annoyed by them really easily...not saying i do or anything :
chrissy: ...omg, that 8th grader is so annoying!

bob: hey, maybe it's just you!

chrissy:. . .

sorry for the horrible example >_>
by ChristinaNC December 13, 2007
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Very annoying kids, almost as bad as sixth graders. Really immature, and have no sense of style whats so ever. They think "emo" is cool, even though when they get to highschool, they'll get shot if they bring that shit on. Total Drama Queens.
Girl 1-"Fuck those kids are annoying."
Girl 2-"Yeah, they're all 8th graders."
by arielvon January 26, 2009
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Annoying little brats who are too focused on their looks and boys.
Senior : wow those 8th graders wear too much makeup
by Lynne's May 7, 2016
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A 9th grader, whom acts like they are still in 8th grade; immature, foolish, dumb
Upperclassmen 1: Girl did you see them freshman at lunch?
Upperclassmen 2: Yes, they was acting a fool!
Upperclassmen 2: That's why I call them some super 8th graders!
by MsPrissyPris July 18, 2014
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Reece’s tend to be revolting horrendous creatures thriving off destruction and homophobia. Reece’s are the scum of the earth. The lowest of the low. Pieces of shit. Who stay close to the radiant energy of amazing people while slowly bringing them down.
No not a new grade 8 boy let’s hope it’s not like Reece the 8th grader again.
by Quackimaduck July 11, 2022
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