Word invented by students at a south east london school to mock the stupidity and complete twatness of other individuals, often used at the end of a crap joke
A> Did anyone see that interesting science program last nite? <tumbleweed>

B> Nao
by MC_Safe_Rudeboi May 3, 2004
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Commonly used among gaming communities, as a noob slang term for 'now'. Popular among members of the Gunz commmunity.
Jim: OMG COME QUICK NAO!!!!!!!11
Mary: You suck.
by dazonfire October 24, 2006
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Me: U'r guei
by _TcK_ September 14, 2007
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i guess that lyk most of our years bullshit this was derived from years of listenin to bollocks jokes, nd waiting in several awkward silences, it was the word "no" extended, and forced to morph until it sounded more insulting,
A:hey "name!" ur gay!
(come back)
B:well, ur mums face is on a billboard doing this, *pulls not so humourous face, in feeble attempt*
A+Everyone nearby: NAOOOOOOOOoooooo....
by luke hutton June 5, 2004
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same thing as no, usually pronounced "na- aoww"
"tell me a secret timmy"
"nao , stap it"
by FBP+ GG June 22, 2007
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a funnier and more insulting way to say no to someone. Used mainly to insult someone. Often put before a someone's name. Can be used very offensively.
"nao john you neek"
by Sazman February 1, 2008
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