Logan is a smart,funny,kind, fun-loving guy who always knows what to say. He is shy at first but once he gets to know you, your hooked. He might be fun-loving but don't get on his bad side. You will regret it! Logan has beautiful eyes and great hair. He is popular with the girls. He has a great body image.
Is that Logan look at his eyes
by JimBob.com November 25, 2021
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Have you seen that Logan guy?

I want to ram his arsehole
by Susudhdbd November 22, 2021
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Logan is weird. pretty weird. hes the type of guy that you either love or hate, because of his high enthusiasm, and the fact that hes very talkative. he has a large social circle and loves making new friends, but sometimes feels like the friends don't like him back, and seems to obsess over this quite a bit. Logan doesn't really do well or poorly with girls, he doesn't know. because LOGANS IN GRADE 7 SLKDAJDSKLDA
damn logan, ar ar ar ar
by spurdoughbread December 2, 2021
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Guy: “hey, did you hear about the new kid?”
Me: “yeah, I heard his name was Logan
Guy: “what a retarded name”
by Pucci snatcher December 5, 2021
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A phrase used to describe someone short and/or someone who is generally clumsy. The phrase comes from Midwest-slang and originally started as a joke but spread throughout schools and colleges throughout the Midwest after it made it's way on the video sharing app TikTok.
"Do you see that kid over there?" "He slipped on the ice and pulled a Logan P"
by CheesCaikBoya February 24, 2023
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