This only applies to one person on this planet. The mission: Apollo 11 takes place with bottle rockets. When joho was little kid, he would make space ships out of water bottles and paint them to make them look like space ships. Over the years he upgraded from water bottle to gatorade to finally 2 gallon milk jug. This experiment was to send his astronauts to the moon hoping to find new life form. His first test was on his own bruther, edward. But he soon found out, edward had no moon. So the tests were invalid. Now he hopes to send his astronauts to Pam's moon in hopes of finding new life form. After many years of repeated tests, he is hoping for the neil armstrong astronaut to come out. If he isn't careful though, he might end up in Mars or worse, Mercury. He has calculated everything out, and the best idea would be to send multiple ships to the moon at once. Little does he know though, someone might already have been to the moon. True story, based on accurate interview with the infamous joho. We will keep you updated with the specs of how his mission goes. For now, let us pray for a safe trip for his little astronauts. Good night!
I have been running many tests on Apollo 11. I want to send my astronauts to the moon.
by Joho 2.0 May 12, 2012
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A sexual act where the guy is laying on the bed with his penis pointing to the ceiling. Then after a random amount of time, the girl (literally) runs into the area between the legs of the guy, ferociously licking his butthole and sucking his testicles and dick until he cums.
Friend 1: "Aye man, you hooked up with Steph over the weekend?"
Friend 2: "Yeah man."
Friend 1: "Nicee how'd it go?"
Friend 2: "Surpisingly, she was 9/11-ing me all night."
by HentaiLover69420 February 2, 2017
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A game of childhood where a group of boys will chase a group of girls and whoever they catch, it’s 7 kisses and 11 humps. Usually played in the hood in the 1900s.
Let’s play 7-11
by Gabriella21111 December 4, 2020
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when they say gas station sushi, they really just mean 7-11 sushi. 7-11 is a home to any indian man that exists, it is known to have rather crappy food and even worst sushi.
"Hello welcome to my teben eleben."
"I ate that sushi from 7-11 and now i have uncontrollable orgasm syndrome"
by PENIS 2: THE COCK STRIKES BACK November 30, 2022
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7 minutes of pleasure in exchange for 11 years in jail. Usually referred to a pedophile.
I'm scared of busting a 7-11 in this party, everyone looking a little under 18
by Netz111 April 6, 2023
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A place that fills up with thirsty kids as soon as 3:00 PM hits.
by DeadIdiot September 9, 2021
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The ratio of Republicans to Democrats in each house who have tested positive for coronavirus as of 12/17/2020.
26 Republicans vs 11 Democratic House members, 9 Republican vs 2 Democratic Senators have tested positive for coronavirus. 26/11 and 9/2. Who can guess which party denied the danger of the virus, denied the reality of the pandemic, denied the importance of masks and social distancing? ... Anyone?
by Monkey's Dad December 17, 2020
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