A Salty Cider is performed the morning after a night of copious cider drinking. Upon waking you find either your partner or nearest willing recipient and proceed to fill their mouth with your steaming, warm, cider urine.
The morning after a furious cider keger, Jill wanted nothing more than to give Jack a Salty Cider.
by Whisky Beard October 12, 2019
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When a male ejaculates on a table and a female then divides the cum into evenly distributed lines then proceeds to use a straw to snort the lines of cum.
The night Emily did a salty pablo was the night I knew I was never going to call her again.
by Gemboi December 10, 2017
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A salty geeza is Jack piper phat headed and is one of those teenage key board warrior's. When confronted Inot real life they pussy out and flap faster that a pigeon. Skrrrr pop pop
Yo my man here is a salty geeza
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When one is aggressive and defensive for no apparent reason and expresses these feelings like a small child. These feelings may be expressed through articulate yet confounding phrases that when listened to are often disorienting and slightly uncomfortable. Salty-Bullshit may be practiced against all of the following groups of individuals: loved ones, coworkers, one's boss, friends, and strangers. Salty-Bullshit is unpredictable by nature and may occur without a moment's notice. Beware.
Guy1: I really like your shirt
Guy2: Do you like my shirt because it's cooler than your shirt or because you hate everything about yourself. How does that make you feel?
Guy1: I mean, I guess it makes me feel bad.
Guy2: Yeah, you should feel bad - you’re stupid - and no one likes you.
Guy1: Damn dude, you really need to cool it with all the Salty Bullshit today.
by Chiefer Sutherland May 22, 2017
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I hate what I am doing and nobody helps me. I am stuck in a salty void.
by LazerJesus January 13, 2022
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When your mate racks a PhAt line on the mirror with your mums oyster, and there's a little residue on the card
Oi come on Gav, lick that SALTY OYSTER

Gav it's a bit fucked, I'm so fucked, lick the salt off this salty oyster my guy 'hashtag 100'
by neckbevvies247 May 15, 2021
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