Bottles Bullshit Trend Line, (BBLT) - Used by the not-so-famous Bottle Rocket of Greatland fame who once laid a trend line on a chart with zero experience, and rode the sucker for well over a year.

and then failed to cash out when it broke it...
Bottles Bullshit Trend Line is now at £13.65
by uttabull March 24, 2023
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a guy who makes it his goal to be randomly mean to younger people. At parties, he will try to corrupt their innocence, and accuse them of stealing.
They are usually really skinny and drive dark silver sedans of japanese branding--but other sedans will do.
can be abbreviated to just STS.
Person 1: that guy is such a douche.
Person 2: what a Sal Trend Setta (or STS)
by lookz4buckzz April 27, 2011
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Someone who loves recording or taking photos of someone esle and putting it on their social media
Stop recording me you acting like a trending bitch
by Anime S3npai lord January 5, 2018
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Somebody who's always recordind or taking photos of someone all the time and putting it on social media
Stop actin like a trending bitch , you always recording sum
by Anime S3npai lord January 5, 2018
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When a popular trend starts to sacrifice creativity & merit for potential profit, often involving hybridization with other unrelated but popular trends, frequent use of deceptive tactics, & inclusion of sometimes vulgar content to lure in mature audiences.

This will often occur when the original creators & propagators of a trend stop producing content related to it, and imitators start adding new aspects to increase popularity, outpacing creators actually devoted to quality product in terms of sheer quantity.
"Man, I remember when Monster School used to be good. Too bad Trend Decay's gotten to it."
by CoolDude272 June 15, 2021
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When you read that small dicks are back in fashion and get excited about rubbing a small one in the team shower
Paul was glad he could finally shower with all the other players and was looking forward to Rob rubbing trend
by Mountie69 October 11, 2021
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Taking a trend from one industry and applying that to (or blending it into) another industry. Also known as trend-blending.
The IT / digitial industry is "cross trending" into every industry. digital photography meets mobile phone and many others ...
by ProfessorMoe February 18, 2014
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