No kiddin'. A numpty is a wee gob stopper ( for you English a small round hard sweet similar in size to an aniseed ball). I've had a box.
Stop sookin' all those numpties - you'll get plukes and you're ugly enough
by Frank Hughes December 12, 2003
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Describes one who shows equal levels of sheer ignorance, annoyance, and raging stupidity at all fucking times.
People who have one too many shots of tequila can be described as a FUCK NUMPTY
by XOXONLYME March 12, 2018
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Silly, annoying and weird all in one. Its a friendly insult that should be taken as a joke
Wow Will you're such a numpty😂
by Tanqueesha March 2, 2019
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a potato headed fool, with no friends, who uses people to get his ends {away}

hip hop nasty nick
jake was a complete, numpty
by bgirl aero December 30, 2016
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When ur ball sack sticks to the side of your leg. Especially bad when you shave your balls.
"Man I got a fucking Numpty going on!!"
by Devyonite March 10, 2014
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