When you are surfing Urban Dictionary and you reach the point of satisfaction where you've sufficed yourself with countless memes, crude humor, random slangs and whoever the fuck Samantha Mackenzie is and why she's so beautiful/amazing/etc... then you proceed to type this very sentence into the search box. You probably only wanted to search something like "I dont know what" or "I dont know what to search" which lead you to this post. Realize now that you are here, in this very point in space and time. Embrace it. Then continue to question what the fuck you're still doing on this page, and why you're still reading this.
Guy to self: "Alright, time to find out what a loli is!"

-stares blankly at screen-

Guy to self: "Wait, what was I.. ah, whatever!"

-proceeds to type out "i dont know what to search right now" and ends up on this very page, which autocompleted as "i dont know what to search right now why the fuck am I on urbandictionary" and had to be mentioned within this example because of Urban Dictionary guidelines-
by The Worlds Loneliest Man July 2, 2019
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When you actually fucking love your best friends and consider every single one of them family and will never change a thing. The type of love that you fucking don't care about all the drama cause it's stupid cause you will be friends till your 80
by Johhnnymcnuggets May 4, 2017
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The ultimate comeback, used by both men and women, becuase there is abseloutly nothing to say back to it.
Person 1Fuck you, dickhead
Urbandictiionary reader Your just pissed becuase i fucked your dad
Person 1 ....uh....
by George May 2, 2005
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A mlg slang line used from being triggered or angry in a match
After losing the match, Billy said out loud, "ill bash your fucking face in i swear on me mom!"
by Skoroca July 2, 2017
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so I am all out of words and so little fucking ideas tighten my mind desperately
Kidnapper ask for candy: I don't fucking know why I writing this shit no more,, take candy
by bitchdipshit February 20, 2021
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When you actually give a fuck but don’t want others to know you do. When you’re hurt by something but your still that bitch.
Them: “sorry we forgot to tell you we were going to smoke”
Me “i don’t give a fuck you think I give a fuck because I don’t”
by That bitch coco November 27, 2019
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