In Britain, undertaking any activity in a slapdash, incompetent way with no hope of success. Named after the courier company of the same name.
Bro, he wanna get wit Aaliyah, but he be yodelling- no way she gonna give him it.
by Borderline Personality Disorde December 7, 2021
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When a man sticks his face in between a woman's ass cheeks and yodels into her ass before ejaculating in her braided hair..
Her hair is in braids ,she must want a yodeling lady...
by Drinic2181 August 8, 2021
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Also known as the Carpathian Shriek (see 1), is when an anus has been stretched to a cavernous width and thus has an acoustic or amplifying effect for sounds, primarily vocalizations. 1 The Carpathian Shriek is the same principle but with a vaginal cavity rather than an anal one.
I heard a Sunday Yodel of a Weezer song through the walls last night.
by BenNetanyahu April 26, 2021
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Yodeling has a regional definition in Northern Virginia meaning performing fellatio. There seems to be a direct connection with self-proclaimed "musician" and minor internet Lowcol, Meade Skelton.
I'm horny as hell. Are you up for some quick yodeling?
by Bakersfield Chimp August 27, 2023
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A good meee finally that isn’t cancerious But contagious.
Dad - You know that new meme yodelling boy ?
Son - wtf da-a-addy
by ChickenCurryWithSauce April 21, 2018
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