Alcohol that you acquire throughout your work day, preferably delivered to you, that will be ready to drink the second you are home from or done work.
Ah man I have so much work to do... I'll order some motivation alcohol and see if that helps me get stuff done.
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Origins: a phrase created by the artist CoopDaTrille

Words of encouragement to Motivate others to accomplish their goals. Free Game
"Never Let The Left Hand Know What The Right Hand Is Doing..Mogul Motivation!"
by CoopDaTrille February 28, 2022
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Origin: City of the tele-retarded. Jersey Shore.
MTV: Motivated to Fail (In Life) Viewer.
Man! Whats up with him or her failing/not showing up to this class? Must be an MTV (Motivated to Fail Viewer).
by Tommy Dictionary February 4, 2011
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I’ll be at work in just a little, gotta get my motivation juice first. Caffeinate and hope for the bed, ya know?
by msevera December 4, 2017
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Persons that are only motivated to do a task when it involves high-tech electronic communication devices.
If you want to get in the computer lab, you must be electro-motivated to do so.
by Guido1 March 17, 2008
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a word referring to someone that is hot asf also named Ashley
Damn that person looks dick motivated bet she’s hot asf and named Ashley
by Official answer May 3, 2022
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Refers to someone with amazing flirting skills that others just don’t get
Girl one: Hey that girl is dick motivated
Girl two: yeah that just means she’s good at flirting
by Official answer May 3, 2022
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