Basicly its a fat person who acts smart and whos face has erupted into a huge vagina.
Jack said that podge was the police corp vagina head of the century
by Ginga-ninga April 11, 2007
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Unlike what most people say it is not "better" than the army or any other branch. Each branch has it's on set of jobs and application in times of war. If the Marines were the best (as most military illiterate people think) we wouldn't need anyone else. Also the statement of them being the toughest is almost completely untrue. The statement itself is too ambiguous. Most recruits make it through Marine BCT while other branches have more strenuous training regimen than the overrated "Crucible".
Me- "I train everyday in hopes in one day being a SEAL team member. The dropout from Indoctrination through BUD/s and SQT is over 95% so I'm not going to slack on any of my preparation."

Common Marine Fanboy who scored 10 below ASVAB standard-" Weak ass fag I'm joing the United States Marine Corps! OoORAaHh!!!"
by Delta_Lead April 25, 2009
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Highly regarded military college in Texas.

The Corps of Cadets Vision:
To be the premier college undergraduate leadership development program in the United States. The Corps of Cadets will be a widely recognized leader in the study and application of effective leadership, the commissioning of the most outstanding officers in the nation from all three of the military service Reserve Officer Training Corps programs, and the graduation of productive young leaders who are actively sought for their character, skills, and leadership abilities by all sectors of American society.
Cadets from Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets represent excellence in every way.
by Andrew January 12, 2004
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A glorified reserve officer training corps in which the sole purpose of every individual is to earn both the right to wear a pair of thousand dollar boots and the right to walk on grass.
Bill is a senior in the Texas A&M Univresity Corps of Cadets and paid for his thousand dollar boots yesterday so he can walk on the grass today!
by Adrian November 8, 2004
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A small group of people who are ignorant enough to get hazed every day and follow mind-numbingly pointless rules such as not walking on grass, unless a senior; having to run to the end of halls out of their way to greet upperclassmen; and basically subjecting themselves to whats been called by a former major general from West Point, "more cruel and unorthodox practices than what is accepted at the Military Academy, or in any Armed Service Branch"
"The Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets... a place where freshman thru juniors put up with crap just to have 'privileges' I've had since I first got here, and the right to wear ugly boots that cost over $1000"
by former corps freshman November 29, 2007
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An awesome online gaming clan that plays America's Army, Call of Duty, and Planetside.
by Gnomer May 3, 2004
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When all the news corporations in your country are dead. no longer independent or bought up by the highest bidder. Freedom of press is dead and has come back in the form of propaganda.
all the news in this country has become a zombie news-corp, I may as well stop paying attention.
by Jake Jimmy Smith October 15, 2020
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