The belief in an afterlife but not a God or Gods.
Believing in some afterlife does not exclude you from being an atheist. Spiritual atheism is possible (for example, Buddhists believe in an afterlife but not a God).
by CelticEagle February 18, 2019
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A form of atheism made popular by Christopher Hitchens, in his book God is not Great, Richard Dawkins, with his book the God Delusion, Sam Harris, with his book The End of Faith, and Daniel Dennet. It is a form of atheism that says that religion should not be respected but attacked.
Militant Atheism is an offshoot of atheism
by Dasichferbotten December 17, 2011
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John: Man, I have no girlfriend or any ability to talk to women. I'm 27 and I'm still a virgin.
Dave: That sucks. Have you tried everything?
John: Yeah, I just can't get laid no matter what. I think I'll convert to Sexual Atheism.
by Garrett Starr February 11, 2015
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Communism has killed more than 100 million innocent people.

I'd call that an "evil" philosophy.
by sick atheist bastards March 8, 2005
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Devon Tracey (aka Atheism-is-Unstoppable) is a Youtuber, graphic artist, and world traveler. His primary focus on his youtube channel is atheism, politics, and entertainment. He was one of the first YouTubers to criticize the so-called regressive left (a term coined by Maajid Nawaz), creating the so-called "regressive agenda". He describes himself as anti-theist, left wing, and a proud Democrat.

Many times people have falsely accused him of being a nazi, right-wing, and racist, although he makes it very clear that he's on the left and has, according to himself, "fucked black chicks".
He was also involved in quite a few controversies among the "skeptic community" regarding alleged suppression of free speech and alleged cult-leader-esque behaviour.

He has (unrightfully) been banned off of Youtube, Twitter, and other social networks multiple times because many people are intolerant of his views.

His main influences are: Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Maajid Nawaz, TheNonStampCollector, Kurt Kobain

Even though "Eurovision is a good thing" and other similarly outrageous statements have been made, his views on religion and political issues, especially in the US and Europe, are generally on point and worth considering.
"I got banned by Atheism is Unstoppable but I still watch his videos because he is right on every issue."

"I can't seem to pronounce "Atheism is Unstoppable" "
by @MrAirflakes March 12, 2017
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See also: Truth

Whether you like it or not, this is actually happening in my country (America), and also most of the other Western countries, contrary to what some butthurt conservative added in as the above definition. Let's face it- whether they want to admit it or not, EVERYONE on the Religious Reich knows that this is happening, and yet many of them are pretending that it is not, and instead repeatedly, desperately insisting that atheism is "declining". BULLSHIT. Statistics have shown that we actually ARE growing. And also, if we were declining, then all of the conservatives wouldn't be all freaked out about us. I find it quite funny whenever I see them trying to flog a horse that they keep insisting is dead and decaying. :)
Some Fundie: Atheism is declining! Woo-hoo! We're finally overcoming the oppression! Which means that we must put an end to this growing threat, before it turns America into a communistic despotism!
Person who uses common sense: You're full of shit! Atheism is growing.
Person who uses common sense: Just look at the statistics if you don't be-
Person who uses common sense: *FACEPALM*
by R0-84N November 13, 2018
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Reddit Atheism is a type of atheism practiced by redditors were they ruthlessly attack religion at any given opportunity. Reddit atheists have a lot overlap with reddit liberalism, since many reddit atheists are liberals due to the religious people they are spitting being often conservative.
Reddit atheism is practiced by redditors who are atheists and don't like religion.
by Kelmeer23 May 22, 2023
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