The ultimate sender of a group when it comes to anything especially drinking alcoholic beverages. He will not turn down any drink and will chug it faster than anyone.
You will call him the Steve after he has just sent a challenge so hard and the boys respect it.

Me: Bro you are the steeveee.
Friend:Shot bro I just chugged a few beers.
Or shot bro I just back flipped off a 100m cliff onto land.
by The pigg June 11, 2020
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Is a former booty ass defensive coordinator for the browns and a former booty ass coach for the Arizona cardbirdie’s who got fired after one season 😂😂
Steve wilks updated (cle bruh: he needs to leave his defense is weak asf ) (Ari: wtf did we do we hired this bum ass just so we can go 3-13? Hell naw he ain’t coming back next season )
by Bleeding guns October 20, 2020
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Huge asshole extremely conceited and self-centered full of ego very sneaky always deceiving and conniving selfish Narcissistic almost evil like traits Habitual cheater and habitual liar has no conscience and feels no remorse loves to belittle and bully women to make himself feel better don’t let his act fool ya he is anything but good
That guy really seems like a huge asshole he was so rude he was a Steve Woodrum for sure!
by Dickbag sniffer July 10, 2021
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Good at heart but bad with emotions. Might throw a temper tantrum.
That goofs name is Steve Allen
by DownToParty September 5, 2022
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A lanky ass tree man. Tree man meaning he looks like one and smokes a lot of wood🌿
Where’s Steve Theroulde?
Oh he’s right there smoking a blunt
by Buddy ol pally April 24, 2019
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