When you have things out solely while you are sick.
Now that you are feeling better we can put your sick stuff away.
by Sirssub May 9, 2022
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A description of one who is so sick that they have to carry a bucket with them so that there is a place for the vomit to go if they suddenly need to throw up.
Man, I was bucket sick today because I drank 6 long island iced tea’s last night.
by billardbb April 14, 2009
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Disappearing sickness is for dumbasses who reply once every month and are prone to reply and then dip.
bro1: Ayo muhammad i haven’t heard from u in like forever

muhammads dumbass: yah bro i’m so sick i b disappearing. call that shit disappearing sickness😳
by ayobrowhatsgood November 5, 2019
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A result of doing too much cocaine, causing a hangover and feeling ill.
I cannot make it into work today due to, Powder Sickness.
Dave's attitude changed from, Powder Sickness.
by Krom42 November 15, 2022
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A couple that chooses another's relations to make love work, and in the morning realizing that it was a big mistake!
Last night, sex was creepy. Now I feel like we're a couple of sick fucks!
by Genmyself3 January 20, 2020
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When you go on a date with a girl and you thought it went well and then you try to hangout with her again and she says yes and then bails by using an excuse such as “I feel so sick.” Absolutely clusterfucking your feelings and your night.
I was going to go hangout with Chloe but she got the 2nd Date Sickness while I was on my way to her house.
by funnypanda196 December 28, 2019
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