someone who is out of touch with today's words
"what does bling-bling mean" asked the sad little geek-gurl
by shufu April 11, 2003
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"Can I have some skittles?" Gurl Bye
"Can I have a kiss?" Boi Bye
by Taylor November 25, 2003
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The best friend a guy could ever want. A women that is supportive and caring, fair and just, smart and beautiful. Someone you don't deserve and someone who deserves better than you.
My key lime pie gurl always has my back
by Fear God, love pie August 17, 2023
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miss mama gurl is a name to call your really true friend, and it will hold the bond.
by My_GOODJUDY07 April 2, 2021
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when somebody says something that u really don't wanna hear/ tryin to play you or just being basically means HOLLA BACK!!!!!!!!!!!1
by lil miss twurk 2 much September 10, 2003
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When someone says something to you that you aren't trying to hear, or dont agree with. It can end a conversation, disagreement, or a stupid comment said by an associate of yours. its like saying "Gurl please"
Person 1: Gurl i heard you was gettin crunk at pjs party last week

Person 2: Gurl Boo u know know i dont even get down like that
by anonymous December 8, 2004
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