a type of battle stick made from a long cardboard roll, newspaper, and green duct tape with a significant grip. Before using in battle, one must rub the sweet spot of the stick on or in the quim of an elderly woman.

noun, adj.
DANG.....Nate just got whacked hard with that quim stick!
by Hot stick February 24, 2005
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This is a universal turn-of-phrase that I came up with one night in a slightly drunken state among friends, and has gone from strength to strength in our local community.
This can be used as either a good or a bad thing to replace other phrases, or even both in the same line. Can be used in a huge variety of applications...
Note: This does not literally mean "vagina my penis"
BAD: "You're really starting to Quim my Schlong"
GOOD: "hey, see that girl over there, she's really Quimming my Schlong"
CAN BE USED FOR MORE THAN ONE THING: "If your keep quimming my schlong, I'm gonna come over there and fucking Quim your Schlong!!!"

"You're quimming my schlong in all the wrong ways"
by Martin Summerfield December 13, 2005
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Description of the furious and enraged state of a woman when she can't get her own way

Also known as "throwing a wobbler"
Husband "How is my wife Doctor? The nurse told me she has snapped a quim string"

Doctor "After the news you broke to her about missing your wedding anniversary to go on a fishing trip with your buddy's, I would say Katia is doing as well as can be expected. She has completely snapped her 3rd, 4th and 5th quim strings, 1 and 2 or hanging by a thread. It may be weeks...months even before re-attachment"
by Burning blue soul March 1, 2017
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When you go to shake a females hand but she goes in for a hug and you accidentally tickle her minge.
Forgot my boss was a hugger and accidentally gave her a Quim Tickle the other day.
by FannyMallet81 January 28, 2022
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worth 35 cents.

has Thomas Washington's face on it.
it costs 35.01 cents.
"bro, I found a quime on the street"
"wow, that's neat!"
by hrefivjghruijofkj are March 24, 2023
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The professor was speaking about sexual transmitted diseases during the Dark Ages and used the word Quim. A student interrupted asking for the definition and another student shouted out, "man I knew you were a virgin, it means pussy!"
by mia.dancer August 27, 2022
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Quim is historically associated with British slang, where it has functioned as a misogynistic slur, much like the c-word or p-word. Because it has been used to reduce a woman to her genitalia (and to liken a man to female genitalia), quim is not only vulgar but also sexist.
"Why would a man want to be friends with a quim like you?"
"This is my bargain, you mewling quim."
by Blair Waldorf XOXO September 28, 2021
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