A paradigm in which prime cavitations are spaced uniformly-enough on a discrete surface to create an electromagnetic force.

The prime numbers are placed evenly enough to make the discrete surface frictionless.
Pan-metric idealism suggests a surface-area in which uncountable prime-cavitations are spaced ideally so as to create a frictionless plane.

The spinning that creates this frictionless plane also creates the electromagnetic force.
by deepchurch November 10, 2021
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an awesome band that made black sheep from scott pilgrim and a bunch of other bangers
person one: hey have you heard black sheep by metric?
person two: yea,it's better than the one in the movie to be honest
by shadowcatxo November 17, 2021
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Positive remark; similar to cool or awesome but better
pizza? that's metric as fuck bro.
by metricasfuckthough August 20, 2018
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1. To describe someone that has a condition that causes them to be unable to understand SI units of measurement (colloquially referred as "Metric System").

This affliction has been historically endemic in regions of North America, Western Africa and Southeastern Asia.
When I told her I was 1.7 metres tall she stared at me in shock. Later I found out that sadly she's metrically handicapped.
by Preguiça não tem fim April 2, 2021
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A most swag unit of measurement used by gangstas and pimps of a classier variety. Unlike its uncultured counterpart metric buttloads shitloads and fucktons are all base ten and as such far easyer to use in calculations.
On yesterday's evening I consumed a metric buttload of fine liquor. Unfortunately When I arose from my inebriated slumber, I found myself ducktaped to the underside of a freeway wearing nothing but my proud Union Jack skivvies.
by Alexiosassypants February 18, 2016
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That is a metric mother-of-god ton of money in your bank account...
by RoarMc March 29, 2017
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Use of a mathematical model in the English language.

It is customary to write items in a series with required articles. For example, we write 'a book, a pen, a rubber and a bag'. Mathematically speaking, the article 'a' is common to all the items. So put in a mathematical format, it would be like 'a (book, pen, rubber and bag)' and would be 'a book, pen, rubber and bag' with the removal of brackets/parentheses. (However, mathematics does not allow this.) Both expressions are acceptable.

Suppose we write 'a book, a pen, an erasure and a bag'. Here, the article 'a' cannot be taken as a common factor because there is 'an' before 'erasure'. So it would be wrong to say 'a book, pen, erasure and bag'.
English-o-metrics is a hypothetical branch of linguistics.
by Uttam Maharjan 2 October 25, 2020
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