The condition that happens to cross country runners feet. Symptoms include toe pain, your toe nails may fall off, blisters on heel, and ripped skin on ball of foot.
Cx runner 1: Man my toes hurt a lot
Cx runner 2: Oh no you may need to check that out! You may have cross country toes!
by Imarunner:) October 18, 2023
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When the toenails of your feet fall off from running the sport cross country. Common symptoms include: Blue toe nails, peeling skin, heel tags, and toe pain.
Cx player 1: Man my toes really hurt
Cx player 2: Oh no! You may have cross country toes!
by Imarunner:) October 16, 2023
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When you travel from state to state to meet in the streets and get freaky in the sheets.
DeAndre: "Im gonna go 'Cross Country Dicking'. This girl is so freaky, my guy."
Jamal: "What the fuck is 'Cross Country Dicking'?"
D: "Its where you can drive from St. Louis to Chicago to go lay some pipe on it!"
J: "Damn. Well good luck."
by ThotPatrolThotBustersInc. July 21, 2019
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The act of a female positioned between two male companions, a phallus clutched within each extremity, animatedly yanking, one hand up, and inversely the other hand thrusting down, so as to appear to be cross-country skiing.
Last night I walked in on Sarah cross-country skiing Matt and John. They were both smirking at me brashly.
by envenom July 2, 2019
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A partner who send nude pics and videos to you but you don't know them personally you met them online and y'all only hit each other up for that.
I met Veronica on snap chat's app monkey and she is my cross country freak
by johnynhoy March 15, 2017
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