An expert at relocation, ready and willing to help a client with whatever they may need.

A singular point of contact; focused on being a client's champion, from start to finish, during a long distance move.

Makes moving magical.
Containerize-it has a team of Move-magicians that made my relocation so easy!

Nicole from Containerize-it is a Move-magician!
by Hi27898 April 25, 2021
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“i love when i feel that insane 😍dick magician, alex, inside of me”

“alex is a real dick magician, put my pussy in a coma😍” “mr. dickmagician fucked melody til her legs were shaking and just kept going”
by $exyMagician$assistant October 22, 2022
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He who controls the bones is considered a bone magician.
I wanted to be a spectacular necromancer but everyone calls me a lousy bone magician.
by YeastyBoy October 19, 2020
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A person who eats the lady cat without caring if it has hair on it or not
Bro she just called you mr.carpet magician
by Anomie’s November 22, 2022
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A person who pulls explanations out of hats. Essentially their compulsive liars
Jake is such a Bullshit Magician
by Youxoli October 26, 2020
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Someone who, thanks to magic, is able to stuff his own dick in his ass
I just went to the ass magician. It was pretty awesome
by Chad_maisvikkel May 18, 2018
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It's where you practice magic and shit and believe anything you do is magic because you're just that fucking amazing.
idiot: "I clicked on the x button to close out a page on the internet"
dude: "anyone can do that"
idiot: "No, it's called Magicianism you silly fucking goose"
dude: "That's some facts right there"
idiot: "Damn right"
dude: "If it's on urban dictionary then you're right"
idiot: "alright"
by Zelex August 31, 2018
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