When Lisa and a bunch of her Asian friends stand around chit chatting while they decide what they want to do next
Lisa says that we are experiencing Asian Parking Lot Syndrome. Does anyone else know what she is talking about?
by jakattack April 14, 2014
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To make goal or shot from far away… from the parking lot. Or to hit a ball into the parking lot. Is parking-lot pimpin'
Weber from half court... parking-lot pimpin'
by GwaltWill July 18, 2008
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Poor people shop at Wal-Mart. Poor people have poor cars. Poor cars leak a lot of oil. (Don't believe me? Check the grease pools in the empty spaces of your local Wal-Mart.)
This pizza's greasier than a Wal-Mart parking lot!
by El Gringo Del Mingo July 8, 2010
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Derived from the Easy-E song 8 Ball, used to describe the ever so fascinating, yet peculiar Earl. Known to frequent some of the darkest dwellings known to man, not even the most valiant knobble savage would dare to perceive.
"Yo man you see Earl easing in the parking lot?"
"Yeah man, He was one a million"
"That kid is crazy"
by Steve-i Rastafari March 14, 2005
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Standard method of death for people that work too many hours because they make all there money in OT pay, people Power Plant Workers, Cops etc.
"Hey you hear about John ? He tried to work 72 hours straight to rack up some OT and when his shift was over he dropped dead of a Parking Lot Heart Attack"
by Capt_Quint February 7, 2017
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What you may find when a formerly existing website that you used to visit has not quite "gone 404" (meaning, Not Found At All), but is now a blank space, entirely unrelated to the former site -- often either displaying generic categories that go nowhere, *or* showing an indication that the domain is now available for purchase.
Damn, that used to be such a great website, but now it's just a Domain Parking Lot.
by Obscurantist1 July 2, 2023
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The gayest finsta name of all time
Alex: What the fuck does that mean
Autumn: huh, I love keegan
Alex: it makes sense now

Fall in the parking lot
by Utimatedad101 August 20, 2018
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