This is were someone (a girl) can’t do anything with her boyfriend, the girl will always mention her boyfriend no matter what, she can never make time for her friends cause it seems that her boyfriend is more important. It is usually the girls who are new to dating but anyone can go through it
Girl1- hey guys I can’t go to the mall my boyfriend is going to a party

Girl2- but isn’t it full of boys, in hints for all boys

Girl1-yeah but it’s my boyfriend I’ll be fine

Girl1 walks away

Girl3- jeez she’s in boyfriend land

Girl2- that’s correct
by Potaotowolf November 3, 2019
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The North of England is The Wonder Land. Named this due to being better than the more southern regions of England, specifically the South East which is particularly rife with dictators and generally unfriendly people.
So, you're moving up to The Wonder Land?
by A man who mustn't be named January 22, 2011
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A flying land squid is a mythological creature of epic preportions that travels in a pocket of pure oxygen giving it the apperence of "flying". it's origins are widely unknown but it is belived to be the work of two stoned highschool boys. One thing that can not be argued with is the sise of this fictionary giant, its tentical can be the length and thickness of up to three school busses! They have been known to, in an insane rage, tear the roof's off of schools devouring all in its path. Only one has ever been recorded and it is bealived to be imortal with no preditors or ways of killing it. These mamoths are so fierce and powerful that they are the only thing that legend CHUCK NORRIS is actualy afraid of.
"dude I was so baked last night i looked out of my window and i swear a flying land squid drifted by!"

"Dude no way! You to!"
by IWANTTOBELIVE January 8, 2010
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Gancho land burrito: An authentic burrito made from various ingredients. Derived from the Latin word Gancho (hook).. once you’ve had one you’re hooked: Gacho: super bad.
Also know as the big homies Gancho land Burrito
Check out the Gancho land burrito, it’s gacho dude. All the big homies are eating gancho land burritos. But watch out you’ll get hooked wey.
by R-WAK January 30, 2023
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Another Word For Time Out Created By Mr. Russell, A Social Studies And World History Teacher. Mostly Happens After Random Comments...
Mark, You Have To Go To Mark Land For 10 Minutes.
by JosephTheElf August 29, 2017
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The illusionary state of mind when someone consumes the drug Ketamine. The state of mind can be so extreme that the consumer feels that they are in a whole different universe or land.
Yeah, same. I'm in Ket Land right now. It's amazing!
by Druf175 February 19, 2011
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