The kid who yodeled in walmart, known memefully as the walmart yodeling kid.
That yodeling walmart kid is pretty lit
by TrashcanYO April 8, 2018
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Students, I don't want to hear any more complaining about the term papers. You've had all semester to do this and the assignment has not changed. It's not like I'm asking you to teach Roger Ebert to yodel.
by Pork Breakdown December 14, 2010
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n. Fringe member of group who always wants his odd, often unwanted, contribution to be highlighted.

Don’t listen to Barry:; he is just a yodeller.

Is that just your opjnion or did the group agree on that?

by gnostic3 June 26, 2020
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When your lady friend sits on your face and you take a deep breath in blow a bunch of air into her cooch and it comes back at you in a queef .
Hey bro, I decided it was time to take my wife to Europe, so I surprised her with a Swedish Yodel
by Shameless Ray November 20, 2022
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such a pro athlete and plays roblox with their hot avatar. is also best friends with the Odd Otter
“Yodeling Yak” is so cool OMG 😱
by yodeling yak herself uwu February 17, 2022
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It’s the sudden excess air pushed out from surly’s vocal cords as he attempts to laugh.
“Why did the chiken….. to get the the other side
by Rabbi Simon June 7, 2022
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