Adj: Used to describe something that, at it's best, is FUc'd! (Wonky-@-BEST!)

waF - wonky-as-F**k ‐ The wonkiest!
waH - wonky-as-H*ll - Mid level wonky
"Our first urban dictionary entry is waB..."

"This urban dictionary definition is waF!"

Snarky Sally:
by ...!...?..! August 30, 2022
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Adj: Used to describe something that, at it's best, is FUc'd! (Wonky-@-BEST!)

waF - wonky-as-F**k ‐ The wonkiest!
waH - wonky-as-H*ll - Mid level wonky
"Our first urban dictionary entry is waB..."

"This urban dictionary definition is waF!"

Snarky Sally:
by ...!...?..! August 30, 2022
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wet ass bussy.
heavily inspired by wap (wet ass pussy) from Cardi B's song WAP
bussy = boy pussy
"my wab is ready for you ;)"
by June 5, 2021
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To wake and bake. Waking up and smoking to get through the day. To smoke before getting out of bed. Or any other early waking ritual.
W.A.B-noun/verb. waking and baking. 1. Sj and td havent made coffee yet bc they were wabing.2. I must wab before i make breakfast.3. I forgot to put the milk back bc i wabbed this morning. 4. We use to have sleepovers but it was really just to wab in the morning with friends.
by @justsayingmaryjaning October 19, 2022
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Wet ass beard- when a guy with a beard eats out a girl who has a very juicy (WAP)
Bearded guy- I ate my gf so much man she got wet and soaked my beard. She gave me a WAB
by The nerdy overlord September 24, 2020
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