A slang term meaning to use the restroom to defacate.
"Hey, do you know where the crapper is? I need to drop off some timber."
by misshannahjoy89 January 12, 2009
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Expression showing ignorance of one's personal finances. Occurs when one's income or wealth is so great, he/she forgets about the sources.
George W. Bush: "I own a timber comany? That's news to me!"
by Ibuprofane October 11, 2004
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a shit hole full of racists and gross people
“you did yall hear about the Timber Creek High School parking spot??”
“yea, sounds just like timber
by FungusRaccoon October 1, 2021
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A disgusting school filled with predators and racists. The overwhelming amount of micro penises that overpopulate this space is brutal. Not to mention the teachers and administrators who dwell on teenage girls outfits rather than addressing the homophobia is astounding… YIKES. All in all would not reccomend this school unless you want experience teenaegers on leashes or if you want to be a country hick!! The diversity isn’t it.
Timber Creek High School Sucks Dick
by Countrykitten83_ March 4, 2022
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Upon thrusting a fist into your partners asshole, you punch or thrust upwards until you tickle the tonsils and provide a shiver of delight or death.
Aaron gave Jeff the old forearm shiver me timbers until he squeeled in delight.
by Flaccid Frank November 21, 2017
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oH oH ScArY Oh ShIveR Me TimBerS Sh)t Up Man is when someone threatens you but there skinny af
oH oH ScArY Oh ShIveR Me TimBerS Sh)t Up Man
by InterestingMeanings November 17, 2021
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