Metal that shatters the musical boundaries of what type of music should be associated with what type of belief. Music, after all, is all about self expression.
Me: "Hey dude you should listen to this metal band, Mortal Treason. They sound like freaking Dethklok but they are christian death metal."

Someone else: "Christian...death metal..?!?!" *head explodes*
by Immortal Treason August 21, 2009
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A variation of death metal, also known as "Melodeath." Bands in this genre seem to have borrowed many of the traits of thrash, and combined them with classical death metal. For instance, these bands tend to have longer songs, more guitar melody/solos, and much more diverse lyrics. Blast beats are used, but not quite as often as they are in the more classical style of death metal. Vocals tend to be a mixture of the higher black-metal-style growls and the lower death-metal-style ones. Some of the newer bands have even been making limited use use of clean vocals (i.e., Profane Omen, Absence, Chimaira). As far as the mood...this style tends to be a lot less doomy than black metal (i.e., more lively, and not so depressing).

It can be argued that this style began with the band Carcass and their release of the album called "Heartwork." Carcass was originally more of a Grindcore-type band, but slowly refined their style, and progressed into a more and more melodic form of metal, until "melodic death metal" or "melodeath" was born. Since then, hundreds of bands have come about exhibiting many of the same qualities, such as In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, Arch Enemy, Fear My Thoughts, Shadow, Light This City, The Autumn Offering, etc.
by earthwormzim April 9, 2007
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Sounds like death metal, but has biblically based lyrics. Makes fans of traditional death metal foam at the mouth and become the judgemental hypocrites they accuse Christians of being.

Uses the music of Satan to defeat his purpose.

Pwns noobs.
"Have you heard the new Becoming the Archetype? They kick ass. Oh wait, they're not talking about eating babies, I can't listen anymore. Dadgum that gosh darned Christian Death Metal."
by dekken February 20, 2007
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the only death metal band is fucking slayer. Reign in Blood
megan likes death metal
by stevieg December 10, 2003
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Forget gospel and Christian rock — death and black metal would have to be the most appropriate possible genres for a certain brand of Christianity.

Consider the story: a vengeful, jealous deity, bearing strong resemblance to many a bearded Viking god, has a half-human son (without the woman's permission) for the specific purpose of ultimately sacrificing him by means that are both excruciating and bloody.

Whereas the average human sacrifices result in something like better weather for the crops or victory in war, the ironic result of this one is that nearly all of us puny humans, too ignorant or naive to accept this Lovecraftian reality, are condemned to suffer torments inflicted by a band of fallen angels led by none other than Lucifer himself.

How fucking metal can you get? Does Buddhism even approach this?
Christian death metal lyrics in an uninformed imagination:
by Lenoxus May 4, 2009
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The derogatory word for Deathcore, This implies that the genre sucks.
generic person - ZOMG!!11!1!!one!!!HEY LISTEN TO THIS DEATHCORE BAND you cant understand what they're saying but the breakdowns are awesome!!!

generic person 2 - what the hell this is a bastardization of death metal!!!
by death maker July 4, 2009
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A funny oxymoron that Christian kids use to go against "The Man" and still be a "good" Christian kid. Ironicly the blasphemy, sexuality and violence of many death metal bands and songs are overlooked in this "genre".
"I went to Hot Topic and got this fuckin' sweet new shirt!"
"Cool, I got this sweet ass new spiked dog collar and this shirt that says, 'Lust is Pimp'!"
"Cool, let's go get ready for church!"
by CypressLB February 23, 2005
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