What children hear the very first time you introduce them to the Statue of Liberty, mainly because they've never heard the word "liberty" before but know good things come from a FedEx delivery.
Mom: "What did you learn at school today, Sweetheart?"
Kindergardner: "George Washington, the American flag and The Statue of Delivery."
by Princess Butterfly June 29, 2017
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To defecate in and ship a sealable UPS postage box.
The man in the buster browns just made a brown delivery to my ex-wife.
by Brown Delivers December 21, 2010
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According to Webster's
Definition of jail delivery
1 : the clearing of a jail by bringing the prisoners to trial or by having the legality of their commitments reviewed
2 : the freeing especially by force of prisoners in a jail
by Estelita741 December 8, 2017
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A ‘lost’ video heard of on reddit.

This video is said to be a lost p0rnhub video, removed from the website due to the content in the video being too vulgar for their site.
The video is said to have consisted of an attractive female delivering pizza, but when ‘Seth’ instead pays and shuts the door the video gets more interesting than first thought.

Highlights include the main actor apparently making love to a fresh pizza while his gardener watches the events through a window.
It wasn’t as strange as two girls one cup but Seth’s Pizza Delivery was pretty crazy to watch to the end.
by Supersoaker9000 June 18, 2019
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