The replacement of any other 'race' with mostly White people .
An entire low-income housing project was caucasianized in 1960, when Buffalo, New York evicted 500 Black families from the Dante Place Apartments and replaced them with 500 White families.
by DoctorKaye March 1, 2019
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The white person version of Asian flush -- A debilitating array of symptoms white people experience when eating any spicy foods, including a running nose, tears, and the face turning red. A crippling, full-body experience caused by even little amounts of spice.
John was experiencing caucasian flush from the white bread, causing him to lay on the floor in the fedal position for 30-45 minutes.
by Mr. Statewide April 9, 2020
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A person who is multiracial, being the races; Caucasian, White and Asian.
My friend is a Caucasian Blasian, his nationalities are Vietmanese, African and Australian.
by Realzy227 February 26, 2022
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A phrase popularized/ originating from YouTuber 1090 Jake. It means to have an opinion or share your 2 cents about something.
Person 1: did you hear that Charles got arrested for beating his wife?

Person 2: yeah. In my humble Caucasian opinion, Charles is a piece of shit
by Pimp & b May 18, 2021
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When one needs to become white to get by
Juan had to put on his Caucasian camouflage to get through the border.
by Captain skip February 14, 2016
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A fancy way of describing moderately or actually rich “white and trashy” individuals. Anyone at the Capitol protests that one day applies to the term…it is an eloquent, sensitive, or just plain different way of avoiding the racist, classist, caste terms “white trash” & “trailer trash”, yet still make obvious reference to those deemed to be said “trash”. One common example is the world famous actór (with an accent cause she FANCY y’all) Mama June & her “hubby”, Teddy Bear. In 2015, after Honey Boo Boo gave up caring for Mama June & Papa, June got “hot”, becoming a Caucasian garbage MILF, & lost 500 pounds, which is good, but what’s even gooder yall? Well, TMZ caught up with Mama June & her man fightin’ at the gas station…They were raging crackies, in Alabama; blamed each other for smoking the last of dat there rock. Sad, yet scientific evidence in public, of Caucasian garbage.
Honey Boo Boo: Maumuh!
Mama June: Ahh, whutt?! What is it child? I’m cooking! (wink wink)
Honey Boo Boo: I’m as hungry as a Caucasian garbage can in Kentwood, maumuh.

Mama June: Shut up. I’ll show you real Caucasian garbage cuisine after I smoke this piece of Caucasian garbage I found outside, in the Caucasian garbage. It’s still good, y’all! I founds it! SPARK ‘EM UP!
Honey Boo Boo: You better make me Caucasian garbage ‘sghetti’-and-ketchup with a stick of butter, mama!

Mama June: Sorry, baby, but the butter is on my face for moisturizer. That’s because I was out of actual Caucasian garbage, the margarine! It helps to lube up the face before smoking that Caucasian trash…
Honey Boo Boo: whatever y’all are weird Caucasian garbage. I’ll just walk to the 7/11 and meet some other Caucasian trash cans to eat with.

Mama June: Good idea. We need more Caucasian garbage networking in this area. And myself and Papa Bear need more time to smoke! Bye baby!
by E.A.M. July 26, 2023
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