sexiest bitch you can find on the planet, will give you a blowjob and has a secret crush on a guy called javad and yes she's very intelligent and hot and truthfull all the time
"Oh i wish Rita was my girl"
by uhhhhhh ur gf January 24, 2021
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girls with this name usually hate school and get overly attached to boys
"did you hear what rita posted on her spam?"
by ratattackmeplease March 11, 2020
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Rita is a beautiful lady who is in love with a boy named noam
Wow look at that girl she's such a Rita
by Balfbrnt November 21, 2021
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Rita is a beautiful latina with long dark hair and olive eyes.
She is intelligent,cute,loyal, funny,talented and independent, she loves her family, music and food.
Mostly shy and humble once you get to know her you will love her, she is always ready to help others and is a real lady, very respectful and warm, this kind of girl is hard to find.
This is the woman any man would be lucky to marry.
-Check out Rita, what a cutie!
-Damn that Rita is a dream of a woman.
by James Bright November 20, 2017
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When you impulsively but too much things at once, usually books, CDs or vinyl discs.
Me: Man, I just bought six vinyls.
Friend: You mean, you just pulled a Rita.
by istillbuycdsin2022 June 23, 2022
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very hot pretty girl very talented too😁😁 kiss on the lips for her
friend 1: wow did you see that girl over there?
friend 2: yeah, that’s Rita she’s so cool i wish i could be her
by p1ague March 31, 2021
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