a molded cookie that will give u an infection inside of the eyes, stomach, heart, and sometimes feet. it can also cause lung damage. it can be spreader easily by touch of lips, fingers, and even poop or pee. lol.
o em gee i got MOLDY COOKIE! I want u to have it too bozo! 🤣😈🥶
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I titty-fucked her moldy pillows.
by RavenswoodDarsh October 18, 2011
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The end result of not washing ones vagina at the end of the day thus creating a crust and foul odor.
After a day of hiking noone appreciated Lisa's moldy muff smelling up the tent.
by Porknbns June 27, 2019
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A derogatory term for a female’s genital area suggesting that it smells and is moist and dirty.
I heard Donna’s got a moldy pond.
by Jagguy412 July 16, 2023
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