a Chinese bootleg game with a good intro.
`person: what should we play
other person: how about Mundial Ronaldinho Soccer 64
person: wut is that
other person hahahahahaha, ronaldinho saucer
by hunterthebird May 29, 2020
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The Super Mario 64: 1995 Prototype is a fictional prototype of the game for the Nintendo 64, named Super Mario 64.

Not much is known about this prototype, aside from the fact it was VERY experimental, testing out new AI that Nintendo got from another Japanese company, thatallowed the game to change itself to fit one's 'Cognitive Desires', which means this prototype is different on every cartridge. Deisgn wise, it didn't look like your happy-go-lucky Super Mario game. The player model was a low poly, featureless man. The castle itself was rather eerie, with few light sources, and the basement was an elaborate mess of hallways.

Testers were called in to experiment with the technology, and it was working fine, except from one odd observation. Prolonged exposure to the basement in the prototype casued severe migraines. One tester, when Nintendo checked in on them after leaving them overnight, they were found in a delusional state, mumbling to themselves, in which they had to be wheeled away to hospital.

New testers were warned to NOT go to the basement for whatever reason.

After new testers were developing stroke-like symptoms from overexposure, Nintendo stopped new testers coming in, and cut all cartridges with the personalised AI.

If you've ever played a friend's Super Mario 64 cartridge, and felt something was off, now you know why.
Person A: Ever heard of the Super Mario 64: 1995 Prototype?
Person B: ...No.
by MightyDM August 7, 2020
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A drinking game created at the university of reading, specifically 49 Henry street, where everytime you get hit, crash or fall off the edge you have to put down your controller and drink some of your alcohol (usually cider). The person who wins the race has to do a double drink.
man, who's up for playing mario kart 64:alcoholic addition
by Coxy January 12, 2005
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the numbers you get when you multiply 1 by 2, then that number by 2, then that number by 2, then that number by 2, then that number by 2... etc. the next numbers are 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072...

yeah, i have no life.
someone: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512...
other someone: bro what r u doing?
first someone: 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072...
second someone: wtf
by 1 word and thats it June 17, 2021
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The Super New mini POWER NINTENDO 23DSi™ lite light micro xl dd ll e U BOY VIRTUAL ADVANCE SP pocket PLAYER & KNUCKLEs COLOR CUBE 64 & WATCH ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series ALSO PLAYS ON 2DS is Nintendo's upcoming system. It is currently unknown if it will be a home console or a handheld, but we do know that scalpers will be all over it.
The Super New mini POWER NINTENDO 23DSi™ lite light micro xl dd ll e U BOY VIRTUAL ADVANCE SP pocket PLAYER & KNUCKLEs COLOR CUBE 64 & WATCH ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series ALSO PLAYS ON 2DS, coming 2024!
by Rectum Destroyer May 11, 2022
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To paint an object preferably white, then sprinkle gold glitter abstractedly over the wet paint, on someone elses property. Used as a form of revenge. Named after a certain paint finish of the year 1964.
Ha! I 64'd uly's laptop after he told me some fucking bullshit i disagreed with.
by Skeeter65 December 5, 2015
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AAAAA , .. oh yeah sometimes i talk to much ahhaa , i still have a chance to fit the Time Regulator! , 25 : you have ordered something , and another me!
they 64'ed to much cuz they were playing games
by RAJAS September 25, 2022
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