To engage in chest (shots)or lower body hits with another person until someone quits.
Me and my friends would shoot body in high school
by Markkayallday August 5, 2019
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Ship it:putting two people together i ship it
Shoot it:rejecting a ship
Jamie asked the squad ship it or shoot it when referring to the ship if the squad
by Madds18 December 9, 2015
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The act of driving around (usually with friends) searching for something to do.
Guy 1: Hey dude do you have any ideas for what we're gonna when we hang?

Guy 2: Not really bro, let's just Shoot the Du.

Guy1: Sounds good to me bro, let's get into some trouble!
by Jeryy418 November 12, 2020
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An annoying phrase used to convince someone to confess to their crush that they like them, even if they have no chance.
Hopeless Nerd: Wow, this song is great!
Friend: You know what else is great? :)
Hopeless Nerd: NO-
Friend: Shooting your shot

Anyways shoot your shot! You have more of one than you think, just be respectful about it! :)
by ShortestDefenestrator October 14, 2022
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When you take your penis and

jizz on some one from a distance
When I was cock shooting I hit a girl from 3 feet away
by Man of rape December 29, 2014
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When you are putting in work with a girl next door and your homie comes by and starts saying you did something with another hoe with a bad rep. In attempt to see how the girl you have over reacts to it, so he can can know if he can slide in on the cool
A war term. Soldiers would hide in trench's and shoot at the enemy. The enemy would then fire back and they would know where the Target was shooting from.

Passive-Aggressive behavior

"Yo man, that nigga was shooting recon with crystal to put you under the bus and see how she reacted. That boi was tryna swoop - no shame."
by SkyBoyz October 14, 2013
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