nicer southern way of saying "bull shit"
i dont believe you , i say its bull butter!
by redheadedsolochic November 7, 2021
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The group of chicks in a dude’s phone he only calls for booty calls.

Like the baseball reference; where the pitchers hang out, waiting to be called into the game.
The bar is closing soon and I haven’t hooked up yet. I might have to call the Bull Pen tonight.
by Fore Right June 5, 2021
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mechanical rodeo bull is when your giving your girl anal and slowly push your dick in her ass and say another girls name then you try to hold on for 8 seconds
i so gave her the mechanical rodeo bull last night while i watched zootube
by jaden schneider October 2, 2020
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A bull dyke vehicle with a topper. These vehicles may include subaru, toyota's, s-10's ect.
"Oh look at Susie with her golden retriever in her toyota"
"Oh gosh, susie is such a bull-dyke mc topper."
by J Moss April 25, 2008
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When you piss off your girlfriend to the state they start crying, then they get super horny and when shes riding you while also crying, starts ramming her head into the your chest.
I was fucking that bitch suzan, and she starts crying bulling me man😤
by Riceshow April 18, 2017
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