a homoerotic wardrobe staple of Walmart employees. typically accessorized with pins and patches to give shoppers a false sense of approachability. sometimes the back is bedazzled to say “daddy’s little slutbag” in rhinestones, but not always.
person 1: “man, did you see ailee’s walmart vest?”
person 2: “yeah, it’s so y2k thrift store chic!”
by streborarella June 16, 2022
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A person you don't necessarily know, but the person is in fact wearing an almost identical vest as you do, and therefore you feel obligated to initiate a dialog.
Vest guy 1: Hey man! Nice vest!
Vest guy 2: Hey! Nice vest man!

Two months later at Waffle House:

Vest guy 1: Hey man! I recognize that vest!
Vest guy 2: Howdy! Yeah! We're like vest friends now!
by swaglord_mcmuffin December 6, 2021
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Kevlar Vest is a term describing a conspiracy theory that is more fact than fiction, the antithesis to a Tinfoil Hat conspiracy theory which is more fiction then fact. Typically investigating a Kevlar Vest conspiracy theory is bad for one’s health, thus you would require a “Kevlar Vest”.
Paul: “All I’m saying is that Epstein didn’t kill himself!”
Sally: *Rips off face, revealing herself to be an FBI agent.*
FBI Agent: “You should have stopped digging.”
Paul: “Aww man, I knew this was a Kevlar Vest Conspiracy.”
FBI Agent: *Kills Paul, frames it as a suicide.*
by chinsaw2727 September 30, 2022
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Madison is the crackhead of the group and is always hyper. She loves being weird and is amazing. She loves her bffs and she will treat them well. But don’t get her triggered she will get her friend, charli and she will punch the frick out of you.
Someone: hey
Madison Vest: hEy i lIke potatos.
Someone: umm
by Cough drops October 31, 2019
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It's where they guy poops on the girl's chest anytime during sex. Or vise versa.
Oh baby, that was so good! A cashmere vest would make this evening perfect!
by Leviathan72 May 28, 2017
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to call out somebody's hypocritical and ironic behaviour, quoted by Nicki Minaj circa 2011.
"The jacket gon-"
"The jacket looks great i don't know whatcha talkin' about but every woman in here is gonna like that- please it's- you wore a jean vest"
by hiraikills July 11, 2022
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at prom or another party at which you wear a vest with other fancy clothing over it but it's way too hot so you take off your blazer/tux/suit/whatever and wear your vest on the outside.
DAMN, this tux is way hotter than I was expecting! As soon as I get to prom tomorrow night I'm going vest.
by goingvestguy May 6, 2011
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