When Sex Offenders are taken off the registry for one day on the third Saturday in October.
Ethan loves participating in Sex Offender Saturday.
by XxxwaltonxxX March 13, 2021
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slang term used to anger someone after they retaliate from either a burn, comment, or statement, that may or may not have even offended them.
hey steve your mom was good last night

Steve: "fuck off"

whoaa kid got offended
by WayILive June 20, 2008
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When your balls get stuck to your thigh and you have to do that awkward walking to get them unstuck
Person 1. "Dude the worst thing happened to me."

Person 2. "Wait what happened"

Person 1. "I was at the mall and had to do the ol' sex offender shuffle"
by Beans_bois July 16, 2019
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Someone who makes jokes towards all races, including ones own race. Typhically a white dude calling himself a fancier word for racist.
“That’s not racism because I am an Equal Opportunity Offender”
by frickfungus December 19, 2017
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Something you say to someone to truly terrify them like liam nesson did in the film taken cos he is just such a badass.
person 1: "Your a twat"
person 2: "Your arrogance offends me"
person 2: "And for that, the rate just went up 10 percent"
person 1: "NOOOOOOOO!"
by somedude11111 December 8, 2009
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Something that you call your mom. Go. Go tell your mom shes a Borderline Sex Offender. she'll love it!!!
Dad your such a Borderline Sex Offender.
by PenInMyAss June 19, 2020
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One of the most annoying things to come across is someone who is offended on behalf of someone else, especially when that other person themselves isn't offended or even a victim. It's when someone is offended by something that isn't an attack on them.
American Liberals are offended on behalf of someone else when they try to make us replace "Indian" with "Native American", even when Indians themselves prefer the former and are not offended at all.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx November 20, 2020
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