Aye you see that girl Bella Morrison? She always puts her back to me cuz she hates me:(
by SherideonmydicklikeaHANDLE February 21, 2019
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A nerd, he could pull any girl he wants if they didn’t all friend zone him and see him as the “james Charles” of the group. he is super fucking smart but is a bit mentally challenged when given sweets.
person 1: “i want a guy like you
person 2: “no you need a Cameron Morrison
by Big Dog 12 July 22, 2023
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Faggot that brags about his snap score and thinks he is cool because he hangs out with Colin Babcock. He loves 8th grade girls and he thinks he’s going to get laid whenever he hangs out with a girl. Has a stash of unopened condoms from all the times he hasn’t gotten laid
Hey look it’s that skinny freckled retard Colin morrison!
by CC guns💪🏻 October 2, 2019
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spoken for, there's only one woman that truly understands him and excepts him for who he is and he will never be alone as long as he has her
by Dylan Sinns October 21, 2023
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Seonaidh is a lovely bloke (with autism), hard-working and a sub 2-inch weiner. Seonaidh is coming into adulthood late to life and is thoroughly enjoy the fruits of the newly found Asian women.
Hi, I'm Seonaidh Morrison

hi u suck, LOSER
by laughingsexlord101 November 22, 2021
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The best friend you will ever meet and always likes to have fun and laugh she is most compatible with Gabes :3 and she likes to fool around with her friends she is a cute brunette and she has brown eyes usually she is aboriginal and when her hair goes into the light it is a beautiful caramel.
Mackenna:there is shawna holla

Kaley: yay ^.^

Emma:my buddie

Teacher:her name is shawna Morrison right?
by Shawnyshoo February 24, 2013
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Someone who takes peoples money but fails to do the work.

A dodgy tradesman who gets chased down the street by A Current Affair after getting paid to do work but never showing up.

A dodgy politician who is there for the photo opportunity but never there for the follow up.
The "morrison men" are fixers according to Jenny. They just aren't very good at it.
by Anonald May 15, 2022
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