Big ass titties that make you feel happy to look at
Her hoons are massive
by Brothdon January 15, 2020
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A girl with massive titties that make you very happy when you look at them
Mann, that girl got massive hoons!
by Brothdon January 15, 2020
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Hoon is the best guy in the world. He is the best at videogames and all women love him. Everyone who talks to him will get popular and earn billions of dollars in the future. He has the best type of style and is super cool. His body count is over 45 million due to the famine I caused

(I am not a whore)
Ryan: OMG You're so cool Hoon I wish I can be like you
Hoon: I know right I'm so cool
by Cool Kid Butter November 20, 2020
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Just another way of saying a cigarette. A good ole jimmy heater. Most of the time it is used at a bar or a party as code word for a quick drunk cig.
Hey Joe where are my Hoons?
I don’t know Cody, you probably left them in the Hoon lounge.
by You ate my curtain January 22, 2021
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Hoon is slang for a vape
lets go have a hoon
by BigDaddyBovid19 August 31, 2021
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Another slur for ni- I mean African-American
Black man: what's up
Superior white man: shit, if i knew you were of the Hoon Ding I would have made fried chicken and grape kool-aid
by Count Orlok August 6, 2023
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