The act of stacking three or more pillows, ringing the doorbell of someone you know, and throwing the pillows in their face when they open the door.
Delivery outfit is recommended.
Person A: Pillow delivery!
Person B: I didn't order any pill-
by ChameleonDragon May 15, 2019
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A bizarre and unnerving audio drama intent on subverting the horror genre. Structure of the play violently shoves the listener into a pre-apocalyptic event without a drop of exposition.
Man, that Delivery Podcast is some creepy business. What's up with that?
by Celebrity Tumour September 23, 2021
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A term repeated in the automotive parts sales industry to signify fear and uncertainty. Outside sales teams fear the 'milk delivery' and will avoid it at all costs.
The manager, unshaken, locks eyes with Tony, the outside salesman and simply says 'milk delivery'. Tony knows what this means but fears he has the courage to face it.
by Blackbeard14 September 3, 2023
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Something, usually low/medium quality bread, that you eat only because you can put butter on it.
No, use the other bread for the sandwiches. This bread is just a butter delivery device.
by Balls2Wall January 16, 2023
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A blue Ecstatic <not to be confused with aesthetic> duck that dresses in red, and makes people confused about their sexuality(?) Dressed in crispy taco, a poop doop.
"I have a brina, I'm also a shit pigeon but most of all I'm a delivery duck"
by Shit pigeon June 3, 2017
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Are sleepless nights becoming a regular part of your life? Tossing and turning, desperately trying to find that elusive slumber can be incredibly frustrating. But fear not, because we have the solution you've been dreaming of! Introducing Ambien online sleeping pills – the convenient and hassle-free way to finally get the restful night's sleep you deserve. And as if that isn't exciting enough, we are thrilled to offer free delivery straight to your doorstep! Say goodbye to those restless nights and hello to sweet dreams with just a few clicks. Let's dive into how you can easily buy Ambien online and bid farewell to insomnia for good!
Buy Ambien Online Sleeping Pills with Free Delivery
by usapharmacyworld July 21, 2023
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1. A barrel in Scrap Clicker 2 which is the 105th barrel in the game.

2. A barrel in ScrapTD which moves incredibly fast and has high HP which can somehow run through your defences.

3. (Informal) A delivery.
"Mobile Delivery was hard for me to obtain though, but I finally got it after prestiging for Golden Scrap after like 3 hours."

"Dang, Mobile Delivery is a broken barrel and it needs nerfing because it always runs past my defences!"

"My mobile delivery has finally came after 2 days!"
by AwesomeGamer22 January 14, 2023
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