Celebrate August 2nd by making an ice cream sandwich or colour something in a colouring book! Now I want to eat a ice cream sandwich right now! Are there any shops with them?
Person 1: Happy National ice cream sandwich and colouring book day!

Person 2: Thanks! You too! I made a sandwich for today!

(August 2 - National ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿฅช day and Colouring ๐Ÿ“• Day!
by speakingthemind August 3, 2021
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Europe: A place where girls go to get pictures of themselves covered in different colours

America: When a person of colour runs from the police
โ€œWow that guy really ran fast when he saw those copsโ€
โ€œYe man it was a total colour runโ€
by Daddy Akinfenwa August 15, 2019
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They were using a coloured gradient so I call them basic and unoriginal..

Coloured Gradient are not cool

Coloured Gradients is also one type of coloured basic transforming into another
by dunnopie January 9, 2021
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a colour changing mento starts off white but when threatened, laughing, mad, sad or being embarressed turns as red as a fat dollop of ketchup can get. and there's more! they are too mouthy for their own good and its hilarious to watch them change species. ( human to tomato) pretty friendly and most often called julia. most commonly found in a mcdonalds happy meal.
anyone: look there goes julia the colour changing mento.
by aLeXEi.nOoO August 15, 2019
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A upbeat person with a colourful and loud personality who tend to like emo things. They look normal from the outside but tend to have a bit of an emo personality. Likes mostly pop punk.
I thought she was normal until I met her and realized she was a colourful emo
by Shadows__ September 27, 2018
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A white girl that hangs with people not of her race
look at that colour catcher hanging with a group of black chicks
by blkzla February 15, 2016
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