Montgomery is normally a sweet polite man, usually from Britain. They are attracted to girls with brown/green eyes and dark short brown hair.
That guy is so polite, must be a Montgomery.
by AppleFlow September 21, 2016
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A girl who like to peg their boyfriend with a strap-on.
"wow tj is dating a montgomery"
by koolades March 17, 2016
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The town of montgomery is a town in downstate (or upstate depending on how you see it) new york. Contains three villages. Maybrook is the smallest and full of stoners, village of montgomery is the second largest and is by far the nicest and richest. It's also kinda racist. Walden is the largest and worst one, but is also the most fun. If want to hang out with an old guy drinking vodka and/or smoking on his porch, go to walden or maybrook. But if you want to be yelled at by a middle aged racist white woman go to village of montgomery. It's pretty boring and most of the people suck, and walden and maybrook carry the town as a whole.
Person 1: want to go Montgomery?
Person 2: village or town, cause I'll go hangout in walden or maybrook but fuck the village.
Person 1: village.
Person 2: fuck that I'd prefer not to be stared at by a couple racist white women. let's go to walden or maybrook and smoke some weed in a school zone down the street from the police station.
by ballsinyourmouthlmao June 28, 2022
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A young YouTuber with 1-2k soon to be 1-2 million
Brent- Hey remember when grant Montgomery was at a thousand subscribers?

Jason- Now he’s at 1 million
by Logan Reynolds August 7, 2018
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April Montgomery is a fictional character from the story The Shaw Brothers in the Episode app. Many people would call her a fruit because her love interest, Christopher Shaw, calls her apricot. However, by some people, she would be acknowledged as a crybaby. April is girl who’s very emotional and she cries every chapter of The Shaw Brothers. She even gave up Yale University for Christopher, and said he’s his whole world. All she wanted was some dick. She’s a very small girl who can’t reach the pedals while driving, so she may be a hazard to the people in traffic. She’s also very stupid, but can sometimes be very sweet.
“omg whys that girl crying so much? “
“she must be April Montgomery!”
by wh0re for shaw May 18, 2021
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